Melvin Adams
“Make the world a better place by LOVE and service in humility.”
-Melvin Adams
Melvin Adams is a keynote speaker and has had the privilege of speaking to over 3 million students. Melvin is a 51 year old male, former famous Harlem Globetrotter, as well as a NCAA all American basketball player. He was born into poverty in Houston, Texas and faced many challenges while growing up. With these extremely hard financial problems and challenges Melivn turned to sports to keep him out of trouble. In this time, Melvin helped his high school basketball team excel. After graduating from high school he went on to play for the San Jose Christan College Basketball team, where he was an all American, and finally went on to being named a Harlem Globetrotter. Where he was named and awarded the title of Mr. Globetrotter several times.
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Twitter: TrotterMelvin